Shiwang'andu plantation

The Shiwang’andu plantation is the second commercial exotic forest plantation to have been established by ZAFFICO PLC outside the Copperbelt Province. The first commercial exotic forest plantation established by the Corporation outside the Copperbelt Province is located in Kawambwa district of Luapula Province. The Shiwangandu Plantaion group was officially launched during the 2015/2016 planting season on 15th December, 2015.

The Plantation group is located about 130km from Chinsali town, 80km from Mpika town and 14km from the Shiwang’andu town civics center. It is situated in Muchinga Province and covers a total area of 28,000ha that has already been secured by way of Certificate of Title. About 9,000ha of the land is sitting under His Royal highness (HRH) Chief Mukwikiles’ area in Shiwangandu district whilst 19,000 hectares is sitting under His Royal Highness (HRH) Chief Nkomeshas’ area in Mpika district.

Current operations

A total net area of 1,905 hectares of land has been planted as of 2020/2021 planting season. Out of this, about 57.7% (1,100ha) is planted with pine while eucalyptus only accounts for 42.3% (805ha).

Subsequent expansions at the rate of 1,200 hectares are here marked for implementation in proceeding planting seasons as highlighted in the 2020 – 2024 Organizations’ Strategic Plan. Currently, land preparation activities, mechanical and manual weeding, nursery renovation and expansion and road works on access roads to the operation site in Mupete area where the Corporation is holding 7,000 hectares are ongoing.

The Group is the first ever large scale project to be undertaken by an investor in Shiwangandu district. The plantation establishment has been principal in the improvement of the economic status and development of the district and continue to offer further hope for many as it continues to expand. There has been a land mark economic change that has been characterized by steadily increasing employment opportunities per annum at various categories for both skilled and unskilled employees. At current operation rate, the plantation group has employed over 1,300 seasonal employees.